The Member Savings Transactions by Voucher Number report lists all savings transactions that occurred between specific periods for group members. The various transactions are listed with their corresponding voucher/Receipt numbers and the transaction numbers. This report is similar to the Savings Transactions by Vouchers Number report that lists savings transactions for all clients.
Note: 1. Using this report it is possible to identify a particular transaction number with its corresponding Receipt/Voucher number. 2. A payment voucher can be used for cash transaction, acting as a receipt, or indicating that an invoice has been approved for payment. 3. Vouchers usually have serial numbers or codes that can be used to trace particular transactions.
How to view the Members Savings Transactions by Voucher Number?
To view the Members Savings Transactions by Voucher Number, go to Savings/Savings Reports/Member Savings Transactions by Voucher Number report,a screen like one below appears:
From Date: In the drop down box, select the appropriate date when the Member Savings Transactions by Voucher Number report will start e.g., "01/04/20221" and in to date, drop down box select the date when the report will end, e.g., "02/08/2021".
Currency: From the drop down list select the currency in which the report will appear, e.g., "UGX".
Branch Code: Choose a specific branch codethat you want to be reported on from the drop-down or tick the Check for all option to include all branches.
Product: Choose a specific savings product that you want to be reported on from the drop-down or tick the Check for all option to include all products.
Area: From the drop-down select a specific geographical areathat you want to be reported on e.g Kampala.
Client category 1: Choose a client category 1 optionthat you want to be reported on from the drop-down or tick the Check for all option to include clients in category 1.
Client category 2: Choose a client category 2 optionthat you want to be reported on from the drop-down or tick the Check for all option to include all clients in category 2.
Client category 3: Choose a client category 3optionthat you want to be reported on from the drop-down or tick the Check for all option to include all clients in category 3.
Cost centre: Choose a specific cost centrethat you want to be reported on from the drop-down or tick the Check for all option to include all cost centres.
Gender: Choose the gender from the drop-down or tick the check-box Check for all to include both sexes.
Order By: Select from the drop down box how the report to be generated will be classified in the column header, e.g, "Account Number". The report generated will hence be grouped per Account number.
Using this report it is possible to identify a particular transaction number with its corresponding Receipt/Voucher number.
The specific fields listed in this report are;
- Transaction Number
- Date of transaction
- The Group Account number with the corresponding Product
- The Receipt/Voucher number of the transactions.
- The Transaction Type
- The Amount transacted and
- The Balance on the account.
Note: These transactions can also be filtered to display only savings Deposits, Withdrawals, Transfers, or All Savings Transactions.
Click on the OK command button to display the report that will look like one below.